Non-standard success exit codes

Some software distribution tools do not allow custom success exit codes. This means that if a software package returns a non-standard success exit code that the deployment status might return a failure instead of a success.

With this script an installation package’s non-standard success exit codes can be translated to exit code 0 within the software distribution tool.

Example: CScript.exe Setup.vbs /Command:SomeSetup.exe /SuccessCodes:1;2;3
In this example exit code 1,2 and 3 for SomeSetup.exe will be changed to 0

Attachment(s): [list-attachments]

[sourcecode language=”vb”]
Option Explicit

On Error Resume Next

Dim strCommand
Dim strSuccessCodes

strCommand = WScript.Arguments.Named("Command")
strSuccessCodes = WScript.Arguments.Named("SuccessCodes")

If Len(Trim(strCommand)) = 0 Or Len(Trim(strSuccessCodes)) = 0 Then
End If

Dim arrSuccessCodes
Dim intSuccessCode

arrSuccessCodes = Split(strSuccessCodes,";")

Dim objShell
Dim objExec
Dim intReturnCode

Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Set objExec = objShell.Exec(strCommand)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Problem with command"
End If

Do While objExec.Status = 0
Call WScript.Sleep(100)

intReturnCode = objExec.ExitCode

For Each intSuccessCode In arrSuccessCodes
If IsNumeric(intSuccessCode) Then
If intReturnCode = CInt(intSuccessCode) Then
WScript.Echo "Success"
intReturnCode = 0
Exit For
End If
End If

Set objExec = Nothing
Set objShell = Nothing

Call WScript.Quit(intReturnCode)

DoesServiceExist – Detect if service exist on remote host

DoesServiceExist – Detect if service exist on remote host

This script can be used to detect whether or not a service exist on a remote host.
I originally created it to determine if WDS is installed (ServiceName = WDSServer)

Usage: CScript.exe //nologo DoesServiceExist.vbs /Computer:HOSTNAME /ServiceName:SERVICENAME

Example: CScript.exe //nologo DoesServiceExist.vbs /Computer:CompanyServer01 /ServiceName:WDSServer
[sourcecode language=”plain”]
Option Explicit

On Error Resume Next

Dim strComputer
Dim strServiceName
Dim objComputer
Dim objService

strComputer = Wscript.Arguments.Named("Computer")
strServiceName = Wscript.Arguments.Named("ServiceName")

If Len(Trim(strComputer)) &gt; 0 And Len(Trim(strServiceName)) &gt; 0 Then
If IsOnline(strComputer) = True Then
Set objComputer = GetObject("WinNT://" & strComputer & ",computer")

If Err.Number = 0 Then
Set objService = objComputer.GetObject("service", strServiceName)

If Err.Number = 0 Then
WScript.Echo strComputer & vbTab & "Services Status" & vbTab & "Exists"
WScript.Echo strComputer & vbTab & "Services Status" & vbTab & "Does not exist"
End If
WScript.Echo strComputer & vbTab & "Services Status" & vbTab & "Unknown"
End If
WScript.Echo strComputer & vbTab & "Services Status" & vbTab & "Offline"
End If
WScript.Echo "Usage: cscript.exe //nologo DoesServiceExist.vbs /Computer:HOSTNAME /ServiceName:SERVICENAME"
End If

Function IsOnline(strComputer)
Dim objPing
Dim objStatus

Set objPing = GetObject("winmgmts:" & Chr(123) & "impersonationLevel=impersonate" & Chr(125) & "").ExecQuery("select * from Win32_PingStatus where address = ‘" & strComputer & "’")

For Each objStatus in objPing
If IsNull(objStatus.StatusCode) or objStatus.StatusCode0 Then
IsOnline = True
End If
End Function
